
Corporate” is a sarcastically gritty 7-episode, 10-minute comedy series that follows the adventures of a zany team of corporate filmmakers: Walter, an introverted production manager who can’t say no to clients; Denis, a frustrated director who dreams of being an artist; and Maxine, an ex-communications director turned film producer who thinks she knows everything. Everything is against them, but they have to work together. So, in each episode, our trio of characters

directed by:

Bertrand Deve

country of origin:


film category

the film


Corporate” is a sarcastically gritty 7-episode, 10-minute comedy series that follows the adventures of a zany team of corporate filmmakers: Walter, an introverted production manager who can’t say no to clients; Denis, a frustrated director who dreams of being an artist; and Maxine, an ex-communications director turned film producer who thinks she knows everything. Everything is against them, but they have to work together. So, in each episode, our trio of characters

Vegas Theater Company

12:30 PM | Monday, Oct 7, 2024

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