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Film Category: After Dark Shorts


Teodoro It is the morning after Valentine’s Day. Sole is being accused of the alleged sexual abuse of Teodoro, her teddy bear. Graciela, her maid

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Little Issues

Little Issues Mid-coitus, Andy discovers a blip in her new relationship that sends her running to her roommates to help her overcome this Little Issue.

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Lesbophilia When free-as-a-bird bisexual Eliana questions giving up the “D” at her ex-boyfriend’s funeral, her girlfriend Chase must decide how far she’s willing to go

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Raise The Bar

Raise The Bar A businessman is rushing to leave his corporate parking garage late at night. A sentient, pleasure-seeking ticket machine stands in his way.

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Kiwi  Devastated by a breakup, a young woman seeks to reclaim her sexuality through casual sex with a couple. 

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